[CQ-Contest] ARRL Contest Participation Statistics

k3mm at comcast.net k3mm at comcast.net
Thu Feb 19 19:52:59 EST 2004

I think a major factor may be that RTTY Roundup and all the VHF contests recently added club competition.

> Interesting.
> It would be more valuable if it was broken out by mode also- i.e. SS_CW vs. 
> SS_SSB.  I'd also like to see some demographics on who these operators are that 
> are boosting the #'s.
> I suspect that both VHF and RTTY are now being frequented more by former HF 
> types.  I am one of those, and enjoy the lack of QRM from SSTVers, Net 
> operations and anti-contesters.  I'm just not into the hassle of fone contests 
> any more.  I would suspect that I'm not alone.
> The article cites the ease of getting on RTTY with computers, but misses the 
> ease of getting on VHF will all of these new rigs that include 1 or more VHF 
> bands along with HF capabilities.
> RTTY is fun - and really great in multi-op as the operators can talk to each 
> other while operating.  (We can't all operate CW and talk at the same time like 
> W2RQ!)
> 73,
> Bob N5NJ
> ============================================================
> From: Bill Tippett <btippett at alum.mit.edu>
> Date: 2004/02/19 Thu AM 07:43:02 CST
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL Contest Participation Statistics
> http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2004/02/18/2/?nc=1
>          Interesting statistics at the bottom of the article.  With the
> exception of the IARU, categories showing significant  growth
> are either digital modes or VHF.
>                                  73,  Bill W4ZV 
> ============================================================
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