[CQ-Contest] M/S band change rule in ARRL DX?

Bob Naumann - N5NJ n5nj at gte.net
Mon Feb 23 06:36:00 EST 2004

N6XI Said:

> M/S band change restrictions such as ARRL's create a lame category in =

> which the scoring potential for multiple operators in a given time span =

> is lower than the scoring potential for one operator. This because one =

> operator can chase mults to heart's content, especially if equipped for =

> SO2R, but two or more ops are constrained by the band change limitation =

> even if only one op is in control of the station (or even present in the =

> building!) at a time. Recognizing this idiocy, =

When trying to work multi-single in the ARRL test a few years ago, I realiz=
ed how frustrating this is since even though I was the only person operatin=
g at the time, I could not utlize the capabilities of the station in the sa=
me manner as if I was a single op.

Even so, the rules are there to prevent stations in this category from oper=
ating in a manner that would other wise be described as multi-multi.  =

Many multi-single stations have gotten used to the CQ "model" of mults on o=
ther bands all the time.  But, how do you guard against the various methods=
 of cheating that occur in this category?

In my opinion, the CQ version is essentially out of control.  The ARRL vers=
ion is too controlled.

I think there needs to be a happy medium, where only one person operates at=
 a time - period.  No second operator at any point in time.  No second thro=
ugh 6th rigs with other operators scanning for multipliers.  =

A real multi-single, where multiple operators act as one operator, includin=
g SO2R activities etc.  One guy operates, when he's done someone else sits =
down and operates.  Multiple operators, operating as if they were a single =
operator: multi-single!  Seems obvious to me.

Bob N5NJ

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