[CQ-Contest]Packet or not

Dallas and Lucy ludal at dmv.com
Thu Feb 26 08:06:33 EST 2004

Jim makes an excellent point, and that is only one example.  Packet is
not for everyone, but for some it's just peachy.  It's why they make
chocolate and vanilla.  Dallas W3PP

> Bill, I had limited time to operate this weekend, but wanted to maximize
> the number of points I could make for my club.  Packet was a
> godsend!  Sunday morning I went downstairs to bring some chairs upstairs,
> checked the spots and worked 12 QSOs in 11 minutes, 11 of them new
> multipliers.  All off of packet, of course.
> I am still convinced of the value of packet, and am firmly in favor of
> keeping two single-op categories, one with packet and one without.
> 73 - Jim AD1C

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