[CQ-Contest] CQ pattern in contest - what's your vote?

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Thu Feb 26 08:57:38 EST 2004

My vote is for the CALLSIGN at the END of a CQ, with NOTHING after that.

By the time I've actually tuned into your signal, I'm fairly
sure that you are calling CQ contest; all I need is your call.
If your call is at the end of your CQ, you will get an answer
from me immediately, even if I am "late" tuning you in fully.

If your CQ ends with "TEST" then you will not get a call from
me until your next CQ, wasting your time and mine.  I can't think
of any situation where it would be advantageous to append "TEST" 
after your call sign, and I don't understand why it seems to be 
the common convention.  Often you hear that final TEST get hammered 
by an answer (which won't be heard without QSK) wasting even more 
time on both ends. 

Little things like this add up.  Just like reducing key clicks,
the better each operator tries to improve, from big cannon to 
little pistol, it will increase everyone's enjoyment, rate, scores, 
and ultimately records.  By the way, THANKS to those who de-clicked 
their rigs.  I hope more operators will folow your example.


-Kirk  K4RO

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