[CQ-Contest] 'TEST' or not to 'TEST'

Ed Parish K1EP k1ep at arrl.net
Fri Feb 27 22:01:59 EST 2004

At 2/27/04 09:51 PM, Alan C. Zack wrote:
>Ed Parish K1EP wrote:
>As you point out in #4, there is very little time wasted in sending
>TEST (or NV as someone pointed out).
>Maybe that's why I got several STATE? returns.  I was S&P'ing stations
>calling CQ, TEST, etc, and would answer with K7ACZ 599 NV.  Think I
>only got one QRZ? or CALL?.  Got several STATE?  Did they think NV
>(Nevada) was TEST.  

Could be.  I hadn't heard of using NV instead of TEST until today.  But, if I were you, I would program in a half space  between the N and V or something that so it doesn't sound like a fast TEST.

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