[CQ-Contest] LOTW question

Dick Green dick.green at valley.net
Fri Jan 2 12:37:44 EST 2004


You don't have to use an e-mail attachment to send the log. You can upload
it directly using the LoTW web site. Just log on to your account and click
on "Upload File."

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dallas and Lucy [mailto:ludal at dmv.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2004 8:59 AM
> To: CQ-Contest
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] LOTW question
> I spent 10 hours on the last day of 2003 preping and sending 
> my logs to LoTW. They included all my QSOs from 99 to 
> present.  1st step was conversion from DX4WIN to ADIF.  Then 
> I transferred to a machine with a CD burner as the file was 
> 22Meg.  Burnt CD and brought to my internet machine at the 
> house. Signed the log and converted to .tq8.  This process 
> alone took 4 hours.  Attached to an email to lotw and started 
> sending.  My dialup was running at 21.6 yesterday and the 
> file took almost 4 hours to send.
> Then comes a message that the file size exceeds the server 
> limit for attachments! I am not a happy camper at this point. 
>  Anyone have any thoughts as to what typical attachment size 
> limitations are with typical servers?  I can go back and 
> split the logs by year, but want to make sure I don't spend 
> another long day only to find I am still over the limit.  I 
> know I should check with my ISP, but there is no one home 
> today. Just wanted to get some ideas. Thanks and Happy New 
> Year. Dallas  W3PP

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