[CQ-Contest] RAC Canada Winter Day Contest Log Question

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Fri Jan 9 09:42:01 EST 2004

Hello all:

Below you will find a message from K4GA, a SECC member who is not 
subscribed to this reflector at this time.  I find that I sent in my log 
to the published address of ve7cfd at rac.ca.  After an initial reject, 
Archie now reports that the message he is getting back is that it has 
not yet been delivered.  He also sent a message to ve7cfd asking for 
information and it was rejected or there was no reply.  He sent a 
message to someone at "RAC HQ" and has received no reply.

I apparently had a problem with my log for the RAC Canada Day Contest in 
July.  I promptly sent the log to the address published and got no 
acknowledgment.  About a month ago, VE3KZ sent a message to this 
reflector suggesting we should check a list of logs received.  I did so 
and my log was apparently not received.  I sent an e-mail response to 
Bob telling him so and sending him a copy of my Cabriollo log file and a 
summary sheet file for the July contest, but have heard nothing back 
from him yet.

Can some of you Canadians help Archie with his log submission and give 
the rest of use some assurance that we are sending them to the right 
place and that they will be received and processed?

Thanks for any help.


John, K4BAI

Hi John
I am having trouble getting my log to the proper RAC Winter Contest site. I
tried the e-mail address on the RAC contest page but the address was
reported as invalid. I tried sending it to the contest chairman and his
address apparently has a problem as the "mailman" reported it could not be
delivered. Last week I sent an e-mail to someone at RAC headquarters and
received no reply. I have the log in proper Cabrillo format and it has been
ready to go but can't find a place to send it. HI. Did you have any problems
with the e-mail address when you sent your log in? If not, share the e-mail
address with me.
73, Archie, K4GA

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