[CQ-Contest] The New Mid-Atlantic Qso Party
Kyle Chavis
wa4pgm at kinex.net
Sat Jan 10 09:20:10 EST 2004
Please pass this information and help us get the word out.
The New Mid-Atlantic QSO Party
(Sponsored by the Independent Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Committee)
**RELEASED 08 JAN 04**
OBJECT: To contact as many stations in the Mid-Atlantic States of Delaware,
Maryland-DC, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia
in as many Counties within these States as possible.
DATE: May 8-9, 2004.
CONTEST PERIOD: 1600 UTC Saturday until 2400 UTC Sunday. (12 noon EST
Saturday until 8 P.M. EST Sunday)
BANDS: All MF/HF bands (except WARC bands) and 50, 144, 222, and 440 MHz.
No cross-mode/cross-band/net/repeater contacts permitted.
MODES: SSB/FM and CW only.
CATEGORIES: SINGLE OPERATOR, (one operator only) - QRP (up to 5W output
power), STANDARD POWER (5W 200W output power). MULTI-OPERATOR (includes
Clubs), MOBILE (One operator call used. Operators in same vehicle may NOT
work each other for contest credit.) Maximum output power is limited to 200
watts for all categories, except QRP.
CONTEST EXCHANGE: Stations Within Mid-Atlantic States - Send serial number
plus QTH group. QTH group consists of 5 characters where the first 3 are the
county and the last 2 are the state. Stations Outside Mid-Atlantic States
Send an exchange consisting of a serial number and the QTH group composed of
either the 2 character U.S. state identifier, or the 2 or 3-character
Canadian province/territory identifier, as applicable. DX Stations will
send a serial number and DX as their location identifier. Puerto Rico,
U.S. Virgin Islands, are DX. ALL STATIONS MUST USE the QTH Group shown in
the MAQP list or the QSO will be deleted and considered a BUSTED QSO.
WHO WORKS WHO?: Stations in Mid-Atlantic states work any station, anywhere,
for points. Stations outside the Mid-Atlantic states region work only
stations in Mid-Atlantic states for points.
Mobile stations can be worked again, for points and multipliers, as they
activate new Counties. Multiplier logging/scoring must meet the criteria
stated within the MULTIPLIERS section of the Rules. A mobile station is
defined as one that can be operated while in motion, is fully independent of
external sources of power, and does not utilize any antennas not attached to
the vehicle.
Portable/rover stations are considered fixed stations for scoring
Serial numbers shall start with 1 and increase sequentially in increments of
1. No penalty will be assessed for non-sequential or duplicated serial
numbers. Mobile stations are allowed to maintain a continuous sequence of
serial numbers for all contacts, or may begin with serial number 001 for
each separate County they activate.
QSO POINTS: Phone - one point, CW - two points, Mobile - three points,
regardless of mode. All stations worked count for contact points. The
3-points for working a mobile station are credited to the station that
CONTACTS the mobile.
MULTIPLIERS: Multipliers can be counted for credit ONLY once. For DX
multiplier scoring purposes, multiplier credit will only be earned for the
first DX contact worked, however, each succeeding DX station worked will
count for contact points. Multiplier lists for U. S. States, Canadian (VE)
multipliers along with MAQP County check-off sheets are provided within
these rules.
Stations within the Mid-Atlantic region - All U. S. States, Canadian
Provinces & Territories, any one DX country, and each County within the
Mid-Atlantic States of DE, MD, PA, NJ, NY, VA, and WV count as multipliers.
Washington, D.C. and Baltimore City count as valid multipliers for Maryland.
Stations outside of the Mid-Atlantic States - Only the Counties within the
Mid-Atlantic States of DE, MD, PA, NJ, NY, VA, and WV count as multipliers.
Washington, D.C. and Baltimore City are valid multipliers for Maryland.
SCORING: Final total score is total QSO points multiplied by the total
number of multipliers worked.
SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES: Suggest starting 50 kHz up from the bottom of the
band, or band-segment, within which the chosen mode is permitted. Take care
to avoid those frequencies which are normally devoted to specific purposes
(e.g. SSTV, digital, scheduled nets, etc.) While no amateur owns the
right to use any frequency, there are modes/operations that have a LONG
history of use of a frequency. Attempt to foster good neighbor relations
by maintaining a sufficient frequency spacing interval when operating near
the edges of their traditionally known and operated frequency ranges.
LOGS/SUBMITTAL/REPORTING: LOGS ALL log formats, regardless of category,
shall show date, time (UTC), band, mode, callsign of station worked, and
full exchange sent AND received. Multipliers shall be clearly marked. All
stations must submit the required overall summary sheet with each entry.
This summary sheet shall show a summary list of all multipliers worked.
MOBILES MUST BE LOGGED AS /M in order to be counted as 3-point contacts!
SUBMITTALS - Logs submission deadline is June 10, 2004. ELECTRONIC
submission of logs is PREFERRED using either the CABRILLO format, or a
comma-delimited ASCII file format. Electronic submittals shall be sent as
an attachment to the EMAIL address provided on the website or via a floppy
disk mailed to the MAQP address.
If submitted via EMAIL, the SUBJECT line shall contain the submitting
stations callsign with the words 2004 MAQP LOG and the attached file name
will contain the appropriate callsign. ONLY 3.5 disks are acceptable. If
a disk is mailed, the title 2004 MAQP and the entrants callsign shall be
written on the disk. Summary sheets shall be produced using MS WORD 6.0 or
greater (or any format that can be imported into AND read by MS Word 6.0 or
greater) and included with the submittal EMAIL or disk.
Submittal of LEGIBLE hardcopy (printed) logs is permitted as long as they
follow the format noted under LOGS/SUBMITTAL/REPORTING. If, in the
judgement of MAQP Committee, a logged QSO entry is unreadable, it shall be
deleted without any additional penalty being imposed. Score shall be
recomputed after any deletions are made.
ADDITIONAL NOTES - Stations may be worked only once, per mode, per band.
No methods using cross-mode, cross-band, net, or any form of relay
(repeater, digipeater, satellite, etc.) shall be used for contacts. CW
contacts shall not be made in the phone band segments.
A BUSTED QSO is defined as a QSO where any part of the exchange entered is
incorrectly logged. A NIL (Not In Log) QSO is defined as a QSO where one
log shows that a station was logged as being worked but the other
corresponding entrants log does not show the QSO as having been logged.
If a log is found to contain either a BUSTED or a NIL QSO then that QSO
will be deducted, without additional penalty, (subject to the
greater-than-5% rule) prior to any final scoring being made for that log.
Score shall be recomputed after any deletions are made.
If a log shows a TOTAL BUSTED/NIL quantity of QSOs GREATER than five
percent (5%) of the TOTAL QSOs submitted, then a penalty of deducting an
additional QSO for each BUSTED/NIL QSO will be applied to the aggregate
total of BUSTED/NIL QSOs found in the entrant's log. Score shall be
recomputed after any deletions are made.
Logs may contain duplicate QSOs. No penalty will be incurred and duplicate
QSOs will not affect score computation. No points will be given for
duplicate QSOs.
ENTRY SUBMITTAL NOTES - EMAIL date/USPS postmark date will determine
postmark for the purposes of inclusion into the MAQP results. MAQP SHALL
NOT be responsible for problems causing an entry to be misplaced, misrouted,
delayed, or lost via any means. Mailed logs must be postmarked by the June
10, 2004 deadline in order to be included for judging in the MAQP AND also
to be considered for awards. The decisions of the MAQP Committee are final.
All stations that enter in the Multi-operator/Mobile category shall include
a complete list of names/calls of all participants who operated with them.
All submitted materials, regardless of method submitted, become the property
of the MAQP Committee and will not be returned.
AWARDS: Stations within the Mid-Atlantic region - Certificates will be
awarded to the top scorer in each category in each of the Mid-Atlantic
States. Stations outside of the Mid-Atlantic region - Certificates will be
awarded to the top scorer in each U.S. State, Canadian province, and DXCC
country for each category for which a valid entry is received. Worked all
Counties - Any station, which succeeds in working every County in ANY
Mid-Atlantic State, will receive a certificate.
Plaques - A number of special plaques will also be awarded to top scorers.
MORE INFORMATION: The Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Web site is at
http://www.qsl.net/maqso. Check there for information on MAQP activity,
contest software information, County abbreviations, contact information, and
other useful information. MAQP results will be posted on the web site when
they are complete. A listing of 'logs received' will be posted to the
SOFTWARE: See the MAQP website for locations of various suppliers of
logging software.
DISQUALIFICATION (DQ): Entries that, in the judgement of the MAQP
Committee, exhibit evidence of attempting to improperly inflate, game, or
change the submittal shall be considered as being liable for consideration
as either a checklog (invalid for consideration for awards) OR DQ. Such
stations will be listed at the end of the MAQP results with a note of
checklog or DQ as warranted by the decision of the MAQP Committee.
Stations whose entries that are being considered for DQ action MAY be
contacted for clarification, but this is at the sole discretion of the MAQP
Stations who are DQ shall be ineligible to submit any logs for the MAQP
immediately following the one for which their entry was DQ. All decisions
of the MAQP Committee are FINAL.
CONTACT INFORMATION: To contact the MAQP, via email, please select the
following EMAIL address which meets your needs:
GENERAL INFO generalmaqp at yahoo.com
LOGS --------- maqplogs at yahoo.com
FEEDBACK ----- feedback at yahoo.com
SNAIL MAIL --To contact the MAQP via U.S. mail, write to:
Mid-Atlantic QSO Party (MAQP)
Attn: Chuck Reville K3FT
6400 Baltimore National Pike 131
Baltimore, MD. 21228
MAQP website URL - http://www.qsl.net/maqso/index.html
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