[CQ-Contest] 10M NAQP Weirdness

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Tue Jan 13 14:04:05 EST 2004

On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, K4SB wrote:

> Zack Widup wrote:
> > There ARE such things as Long-Delayed Echoes (LDE's).  I have heard them a
> > few times, even back in the days when there was no digital equipment to
> > spit back what it just received.
> -----------
> Well, I've heard my own signal as a LDE twice in 48+ years. But there
> is no way that a complete CQ could be a LDE.
> Whoever suggested some clown was recording it and then playing it back
> is probably correct.
> 73
> Ed

Back in the late 60's I heard an LDE that had about a 10 second delay and
was a repeat of everything I and the station I was working sent for about
3 minutes.  We were both pretty freaked out by it.  I've heard others,
both longer and shorter delays, but nothing like that.  I wish I'd
recorded it.

73, Zack W9SZ

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