[CQ-Contest] 10M NAQP Weirdness

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Thu Jan 15 01:05:26 EST 2004

K1TN took a moment out from his mobile activities to share with us:

>Re W7RN's echo experience, I don't get all this tooth grinding over
>solar system distances and conspiracy theories. Isn't this really a
>metaphysical question?
>To wit: A valid contact is a 2-way contact. While some so-called
>"purists" might argue that a contact with yourself is not 2-way, well,
>one signal goes out and one comes back in. I say that's 2-way.

Reminds me of my first EME contact - accomplished by passing the
paddles between W7FU & myself between transmissions.  We then
moved on to sillysideband, where we passed the mic back & forth
whilst saying things like "Man on the moon!" before wandering out of his
shack to get on with some antenna work.

Apologies in advance, but: GOOD CONTACT!

Does one fall foul of the one-station-one-callsign rule in contests by
working oneself, or only risk being sectioned at the nearest mental health

73, VR2BrettGraham

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