JAMES HEADRICK w3cp at charter.net
Fri Jan 16 01:27:39 EST 2004

Having been in the echo sounding business, one form or another, all my
professional life, I thought the WM5R presentation was interesting and
informative.  In addition to Ken's candidates one should be aware that there
are HF Band transponders deployed.  Some can repeat anything they hear and
any time delay can be selected.
Jim  w3cp

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kenneth E. Harker" <kharker at cs.utexas.edu>
To: "W5PR" <W5PR at swbell.net>
Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>; "K4SB" <k4sb at earthlink.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] 10M NAQP Weirdness

>     I heard a long-delayed echo in the 2001 CQWW SSB contest.  I was
> operating on 15 meters and was calling CQ with a three-high stack of
> monoband yagis.  I was calling a live CQ (not a DVK recording) and
> heard the last seven syllables (approximately one and a half to two
> delay) of what I had just said echo back.  It did not sound like it could
> been someone simply recording it and playing it back, as the echo was
> already happening when I stopped transmitting.  It wasn't weak - I was
> so startled I didn't think to look at the S meter, but I'm guess it was
> no weaker than S3.  There was no obvious Doppler shift on the signal.
> I only heard it once, and it has never happened again.
> ...

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