[CQ-Contest] Operating phone on crowded bands

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg at contesting.com
Mon Jan 19 07:29:21 EST 2004

WM5R wrote:
>> ...we also need someone to write an article for 
>> QST aimed at the general HF audience about 
>> operating phone under crowded band conditions.

Certainly with the elimination of line scores, QST has 
the room for something like this...

Not so long ago, Ward, N0AX penned a brief "How to" on 
this very subject for eHam.  


Of course, many of the responses to it turned into a 
contester vs non-contester debate, rather than a 
discussion of the merits of the techniques described 
in the article.

Summing up the attacks on this article:
The anti-contesters take umbrage with any attempt, no 
matter how carefully worded, at telling them they need 
to learn to deal with QRM (either philosophically or 
operationally).  Many of them think their sh*t don't 
stink and "it's all our fault".

However, we should be used to that kind of attitude,
and so it should not preclude "us" from penning both a 
rebuttal and a "How to".

Mike N2MG

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