While we are talking about NAQP potential changes. Multis are Nothin'
Jim White, K4OJ
k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Jan 22 11:06:23 EST 2004
Brothers in Arms
I also agree with the other postings that basically the NAQP ain't broke
and it is pretty much so fine just the way it is.
I also like the idea of the quiet station for a weekend - with lp and no
amp fan it is rather quaint! I can hear the relay boxes automatically
clicking on those quick QSYs which is neat... (That ain't workin' that's
the way you do it)
What I am in favor of changing is, for want of a better name, the AA5B
proposal which until recently I was unaware of. We would not be in Dire
Straits if it did not happen but it is worth a thought...
One of the few things I have not done but want to do is operate in the
M-2 category in this one. I really enjoy multi-ops - it is fun, it is
also an excellent way for other hams to learn contesting fast... put a
guy on a second set of headphones and he will learn what it is all about
a helluva lot faster than anyone could 'splain it to him. (what's that?
Hawaiian noises?)
The NAQP M-2 seems like it would be a great three operator contest, two
seasoned ops with a newbie being educated as to why we made this band
change, why it is important to move N4ZR since K5IID is no longer in
WVa, etc.. (I got the station, refridgerator)
What holds me back from going M-2? The fact that I cannot make a
contribution to my team/club. Currently team scores do not allow a
multi-2 entry to submit their points or part of their points to a team
score. If you want to go multi-2 you and your co-operator(s) do it
without a team. Multis are Nothin'
I like the team element of the NAQP a lot, too... and because of these
conflicts I cannot foresee me ever getting a chance to go M-2... not
only would I have to forsake a team entry but I would have to convince
somebody else to do the same.
The fact that the NAQP is a "second string" contest makes it a perfect
one for a training ground for the majors, and as such perfect for a
"training op". A newbie could come into the station sit down with
seasoned guys (Maybe get a blister on your sendin' finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb)
A review of the recent NAQP high claims on 3830 reflector shows that the
top scores are just about equal to double the single op high score...
why not allow an M-2 entry to count for two of the five spots on a team
as AA5B has requested in the past?
AA5B proposed this but was in essence been told that doing such would do
nothing to enhance participation in the contest therefore it was not
worth pursuing.
Since the NAQP is overseen by volunteers, there is no CAC or Contest
Committee per se for me to write to so I am using the CQ-Contest
reflector to officially place my vote for allowing M-2 entries to count
as two slots of a five man team...
It may not increase the turn out in terms of numbers of participants but
I feel this change would increase the enjoyment of the contest for those
who chose ot enter M-2 by allowing them to also be on teams as well as
create another potential training opportunity for newer contesters.
I want my, I want my, I want my M2, please....
(that's the way you do it!)
What say you, Sultans?
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