[CQ-Contest] Ten Years Of Contesting

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Mon Jan 26 01:14:02 EST 2004

I just realized that the CQ 160 CW Contest marks 
the end of my first decade of contesting.  The
first log I ever submitted was for the 1994 CQWW
160 Meter CW contest.  My call at the time was WR3O.
I wrote an article on my first contest experience
which made it into the NCJ, thanks to WN4KKN who was
both running the CQ-Contest reflector and editing the 
National Contest Journal at the time.

It's been an amazing ten years -- though not even quite
one full sunspot cycle -- a relatively short time to many
of you contesters who have been at it for many cycles 
before me.

I have had LOADS and LOADS of FUN, been through some
real frustration and heartbreaking moments, laughed
my ass off, cried my heart out, learned more than I
ever imagined possible, and most of all met some truly
remarkable people.  Some of you folks are my friends,
but you are all my comrades and fellow warriors (as my
grandfather Silas Pickering was fond of putting it...)  

You Radio Contesters are my chosen peers, and I hold your 
mutual respect in very high regard.  You have taught me 
more than I could imagine about myself, human nature, the 
thrill of competition, and the magic of radio.  Here's to 
the next sunspot cycle.  Cheers!


-Kirk  K4RO

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