[CQ-Contest] Secrets of Contesting, Chapter 14

Dennis McAlpine dennis.mcalpine at verizon.net
Sat Jan 31 09:52:45 EST 2004

Wonderful words of wisdom as always, Mr. Neiger.  But, I must admit, it is
one of the few times I have ever see a quote from Spiderman.  Onward and


Dennis, K2SX

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Neiger" <n6tj at sbcglobal.net>
To: <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:19 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Secrets of Contesting, Chapter 14

> Secrets of Contesting, Chapter 14
> As we approach what is sometimes under-rated, but never should it be
> diminished, the greatest of all DX Contests, the ARRL DX, perhaps it is
> timely enough to state some of the basic principles of what it takes to be
> successful in this contest.  Although my 'axioms of success' are directed
> towards the successful W/VE operator, I believe that the DX operator can
> also benefit.
> What follows is what I believe to be as experienced from DX. If you can
> the DX end happy, then you have a chance of increasing your score.  Isn't
> that what it should be all about??
> These are the days of PACKET.  Love it or leave it.  We are all
> beneficiaries of its prowess and victims of its success.
> But recognizing that it is, and most probably always will be,you need
> optimize your chance of being a beneficiary, and not a victim.
> Let me, please, in commenting, I am NOT a packeteer, I am totally
> to comment as to what  may take to qualify as a successful packeteer from
> state-side. Having said that, I believe that I might be able to provide
> 'perspective' as to what the DX end in the ARRL DX might be looking for,
> from you:
> 1.  Never ever rely on the packet spot as to WHAT the DX station call
> be.  Make sure that YOU hear the call.  Whatever it takes.  This is
> absolutely fundamental to DX contesting.
> 2.MINIMIZE DUPES. Nothing's more of a waste of time. Figure it out,
> please............
> 3. Never, ever, call a station unless you know 100% his callsign.  Ever.
> (please see 1. and 2., above).  It's truly amazing to me HOW MANY call
> without a clue.  Is this sound operating?  I think not.  Yes, the DX
> has the ultimate responsibility to identify on a regular basis.  In that
> there are no defined standards, I can well appreciate that some
> 'ambiguities' might exist.  However, I believe that unless YOUR rate is
> per hour, it is your responsibility to harken to the DX station's
> procedure.  Please, if you don't like it, don't call.  Simple.
> 4. Never, ever, come onto a DX station's frequency with a ?.  This will
> probably QRM a station trying to give his call or state/province.  It will
> only slow YOUR rate down.  Please let the DX station run the show.  As
> as you might think that YOUR call is what the DX station is dying to hear,
> trust me, the succssful DX operator will let you know when he's ready for
> your magnificent skills.........
> 5.  NEVER ask the QSL route.  This is fundamentally a European affliction,
> but has softened with the years.
> 6.  NEVER, EVER, ask the DX station the WHEN of another band.  If you have
> any skills, then you should be able to (1) know the when, and (2) know the
> how.
> 7.  The successful W/VE operator most probably knows (1) the DX station's
> call, (2) his operating "style" (does he QRQ?, does he listen high or low
> believe that most of us listen high), (3) does he welcome tail-enders? (I
> think that most do NOT these days),
> 8. Just because you're a multi-multi, never assume that Nos. 1-7 might not
> apply to you.  To the DX station, you're probably just another run-of-the
> mill loud station.  As they said in SPIDERMAN, "with extraordinay skills
> come extraordinary responsibilties......."
> Great going all.  Here we are so many years later; the fundamentals remain
> extant.  There are no silver bullets.  And there are no subsitutes to the
> fundamnetals:
> Everything is about timing:  always has, always will be
> Know the other guy's call
> Don't call unless you're 100% as to whom you're calling
> Your call, one time, in the right place, is everything.
> Nothing left to this secret.
> Vy 73,
> Jim Neiger
> N6TJ  ZD8Z
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