Jacobo Oduber - P43P p43p at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 1 18:23:42 EDT 2004


This year P40HQ will be on the air again, with a small team of operators, to have a lots of fun during the upcoming IARU International Contest over the July 10th weekend.

Visiting ops will be 
Carl - AI6V, Krassy - K1LZ, Kam -  N3KS & Felipe - NP4Z.

Or regular team of local P4 operators will of course be active, such as P43A, P43E, P43JB, P43P, P43DJ, P43W, P43RC & P43T. P43L will be responsible for our DX Cluster.

Since Aruba celebrated its 50th Carnival this year, we will be printing full color conmemorative QSL cards that are sure to become collector items. QSL like always will be handled by Mario I2MQP.

We will be on ALL bands/All Modes. Look for us especially on the low bands, since it will be nice to work EU/AS/AF/US on 80m as well as 160m.

73's  59(9)-AARC

Jacobo (Jacky) Oduber - P43P

P.S. A special P40HQ team T-Shirt and a small surprise sponsored by ACOM will be given to the first Single Op or Multi Single station to work us on 6 bands (SSB, CW or mixed). 

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