[CQ-Contest] YT80HQ Commemorates 80 years of ham activity in Serbia & Montenegro

Sinisa Hristov shristov at ptt.yu
Thu Jul 8 08:00:37 EDT 2004

This weekend's IARU HF Championship will see
intense activity from our national HQ station.

Several dozens of distinguished operators
will operate round-the-clock from 12 well-equipped
locations throughout the country.

You won't have a slightest problem working
the special callsign YT80HQ commemorating
80 years of ham activity in Serbia & Montenegro.
Multiplier is SCG.

Special YT80HQ QSL cards confirming all contacts
will be sent automatically via the bureau.
In the case you need it, our mail address is:

  Savez radioamatera Srbije
  Trg republike 3/6
  11000 Beograd
  Serbia & Montenegro

Welcome to YT80HQ frequencies on all 6 bands,
CW/SSB simultaneoulsy (conditions permitting)!

Sinisa  YT1NT, VA3TTN

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