[CQ-Contest] Question for Experienced SO2R Ops

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Thu Jun 3 10:53:02 EDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:02:34AM +0100, Steve Root wrote:

> At W0ZT's we use Alpha 87A's. They sound like they are working hard when
> making  a band change.  In a typical 48 hour contest using your SO2R
> suggestion, the ampifier may have to switch bands 300 times or more.  I
> think that would wear it out fairly soon.

Much more than that - and as WC1M (I think) said it is just
not fast enough to be able to do things like dropping your
callsign in a pile up and then going back to your CQing.
And doing this several times or more before getting through
some pileup etc.

It could work if the amp did not have to manually tune up - if the 
band switching times were fast enough to be transparent.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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