[CQ-Contest] radio recommendations - SUMMARY

Robert Katz rob.katz at thelegacycenter.com
Fri Jun 4 16:53:40 EDT 2004

Thanks to all of you who shared your experience so generously.  Here 
is a summary of the recommendations I received.  There was some great 
information, links and ideas as well, so if anybody wants the "raw 
data", just let me know.

In the following list, there are two radios over $1000, but they got 
a strong response so I am including them.  I also did some very quick 
price checking on the web for radios with more than one vote, but did 
not check what extras were included such as filters, speakers, etc. 
I'm sure there are deals to be found on each radio.  Also note that 
the Kenwood TS-930 was the only radio to get negative, 
"stay-away-from" votes - as many as positive votes.

Now does anybody have one of the top 4 radios for sale, cheap?  :-)


IC-765       8                                     700-900
FT-1000MP    4                                     1200-1500
OMNI VI      4                                     1200-1500
TS-850       4                                     700-900
TS-930       3                3                    400-500
FT-990       3                                     750
TS-940       2                                     550-750
IC-751       1
IC-740       1
IC-746       1
IC-756PRO    1

    Rob, KA1ARB

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Katz" <rob.katz at thelegacycenter.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 11:08 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] radio recommendations

>  I am looking to upgrade my radio for contesting from the TS-830S I
>  currently have.  Most important to me right now is a receiver that
>  will hold its own around strong signals, although there are probably
>  other factors I should consider too.
>  I have a budget of around $1000, so I'll be looking for used rigs.
>  What radio would you recommend, and why?  What criteria should I use
>  in deciding on a radio?
>  73,
>      Rob, KA1ARB

Rob Katz, Director
Legacy Center, Inc.

(919) 678-6000 x106
(919) 678-6015 fax
rob.katz at TheLegacyCenter.com

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