[CQ-Contest] IARU from Ar/Mo/Ok area?

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Mon Jun 14 14:31:54 EDT 2004

     I'm looking for a station from which to operate the IARU contest 
next month in northeast Oklahoma, southwest Missouri, or northern to 
central Arkansas.

     I'd prefer to do SOHP Phone Only, but I'd also be interested in 
a multi-op where I'm not expected to operate CW.  I finished #4 W/VE 
SO Phone Only last year in the IARU from W5KFT, I can try really hard 
not to break anything, and I'm a non-smoker.  I prefer to use TR LOG, 
but I'm not really fussy.  I can bring my own headset, etc.

     My contesting resume: 

    I'll be at Ham-Com next weekend.

(Note: I have changed my primary personal email account.  Please replace
 your address book or alias listings of kharker at cs.utexas.edu with 
 kenharker at kenharker.com.  Thanks! - 31 March 2004)

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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