[CQ-Contest] Re: RETURNED BY CQ 160: exodus roberts mound

Robot unreplyable at kkn.net
Sun Jun 20 13:21:39 EDT 2004

The cq160 at kkn.net mailing address has changed.  Please resend
your log to the new address:

    160cw at kkn.net for the CQ 160 Meter CW Contest
    160ssb at kkn.net for the CQ 160 Meter SSB Contest

If you have any questions or correspondence other than logs, please
contact me at 160-problems at kkn.net.
Thanks and 73.
Dave, K4JRB
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V primeru, da imate kakrsnekoli tezave pri posiljanju dnevnikov
oziroma ne razumete sporocila robota, kontaktirajte: s50a at cqww.com
U slucaju, da imate problema sa slanjem dnevnika ili ne razumete
poruke robota, kontaktirajte: s50a at cqww.com
Jos et ymmarra tata viestia, ota yhteys Jormaan, oh2ki at cqww.com
mosi,korerano era- ni kansuru houkokuni,donoyouni taiousuruka fumeinabaai ha,
JA no kontesutoiin dearu JE1CKA<je1cka at cqww.com> made, kono era- messe-zi to
tomoni otoiawasekudasai


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