[CQ-Contest] ICE 419 Connection Diagram

Alfred J. Frugoli (KE1FO) frugoli at worldlinkisp.com
Fri Jun 25 06:55:36 EDT 2004

Hi Jim, 

>From the 419A manual, the units are SINK DRIVE.

>From the BCD10 manual, the unit can either SINK or SOURCE depending on how you wire the board.

73 de Al, KE1FO

----- Original Message -----
From: Tack Kumagai
Sent: 6/24/2004 1:06:30 AM
To: MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk;cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ICE 419  Connection Diagram

> Hi Jim
> According to my memory, BCD10 has only "SINK DRIVE" output but
> ICE419 must be driven by "SOURCE DRIVE". 
> So you need to have SOURCE DRIVER between BCD10/ICE419.
> I once tried to change 419 source drive to sink drive but no way.
> You'll be able to assemble source driver less than $10us on small 
> breadboard. (I prepared but not completed)
> In message "[CQ-Contest] ICE 419  Connection Diagram"
>     on 04/06/23, "Jim Martin - MM0BQI" <MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk> writes:
> : 
> : Can someone point me in the direction of a wiring diagram for the ICE419 BPF
> : on the web?
> : I am connecting it to the MP via a W9XT BCD10 band decoder and need the
> : pinouts.
> :
> : I intend to use the band output socket on the MP and power the band decoder
> : from here also. Are there any issues with this or is this standard?
> : Thanks
> : Jim  MM0BQI
> 	---------
> 	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
> 	JE1CKA <je1cka at jarl.com>
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