[CQ-Contest] Re: Where are the JAs

S Nace kn5h at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 25 22:13:32 EDT 2004


I have not read every email pertaining to this thread so I may have already missed this answer. During the WPX SSB contest in March we had ~400 JA QSOs. Several were multi-band qsos w/ the same station. We had a total QSO number of ~2000. So, ~20% of our total QSOs were from Japanese stations.

So, my question is, what are the numbers that you seem to be expecting from JA contesters? My opinion is that 400 JA QSOs using a KW and a tribander at 30 feet is pretty good. Sure, back when 10 meters was hot, we would have 400 QSOs on 10 meters alone, but that is propogation related, not lack-of-interest related. Clue me in.

73 de KN5H

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