Brian Miller brianmiller at xtra.co.nz
Sun Jun 27 05:02:15 EDT 2004

The report and full results for the 2003 Oceania DX contest are now available for viewing on-line at
the Oceania DX Contest web site http://www.oceaniadxcontest.com

CONGRATULATIONS to all of the 2003 winners and thank you to everyone who participated to make this
contest a success. Special congratulations go to KH7X (op KH6ND) who hit the jackpot by winning both
the PHONE and CW sections in the Oceania SOAB category. Despite the depressed solar conditions,
overall activity was similar to 2002 and a number of new records were set. There was also a good
turn out from Oceania DX stations outside VK or ZL, including prefixes such as 3D2, 4W, AH2, KH6,
DU, FK, ZK and YB/YC.

We are currently in the process of arranging the production and distribution of the various
certificates and awards.

Please note that the 68th Oceania DX contest will be held on the first two weekends of October 2004
as follows:

PHONE Section: 0800 UTC Saturday 2 October to 0800 UTC Sunday 3 October 2004
CW Section: 0800 UTC Saturday 9 October to 0800 UTC Sunday 10 October 2004

The complete 2004 rules are available at http://www.oceaniadxcontest.com .

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the 2004 contest. Please spread the word
and lets hope for some good conditions to make it the biggest and best Oceania contest so far.


Brian Miller ZL1AZE
for Oceania DX Contest Committee (VK3TZ, VK4EMM, VK2FHN, VK2AYD, VK1JDX, VK2CZ, ZL1AZE, ZL3GA, and

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