[CQ-Contest] Field Day & CW & 15 minute rule

Roger Parsons ve3zi at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 08:37:35 EDT 2004

<The reason this rule was implemented was to outlaw
the use of an "octopus".....

....dreaded "fifteen minute rule" to preclude it's


Thanks Dave

Now I understand why they did it, and clearly the
'octopus' contravenes the spirit of FD (or just about
any other contest).

Could they not achieve the same purpose by only
allowing one transmitter/receiver combination to be
powered/connected at any one time for each station? I
know that would be harder to police, but cheaters will

I really do think it is a shame that 160/10 have
effectively been removed from FD, at least here in the
northern fringes!

73 Roger

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