Fwd: Fw: [CQ-Contest] Lost leading 'dit' - summary

Scott R. w4pa at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 1 06:06:01 EST 2004

VR2BG wrote:

> So, other than for older amps, many in the contesting community use
> CW PTT for that additional edge it gives in today's competitive SO2R
> world.  Not being able to do so would appear to be a problem & > >
>interestingly, two of the current hot radios (Orion & K2) go key down
>when PTT is asserted in CW & both of these radios could easily be
>modified to at least give the option of using PTT for CW with a
>firmware change, making them attractive to all in
>this not insignificant segment of the amateur equipment market.

The Orion will have this as an option via a future firmware upgrade.
It was actually ready for the Orion prior to ARRL DX CW but making a
change to the options available for CW PTT the week before a major
contest struck us as causing a lot of potential problems. 

The beauty of a Flash-ROM updateable transceiver is that items like
this can be added - we've already added a whole host of features that
weren't in the rig originally in response to user feedback and will
continue to do so off into the future. 

>Of those who use PTT for CW, seven cited amplifier switching as the
>reason.  Five also mentioned being able to get transmit "hang" time
>right between when sending with paddles & when sending canned
>messages.  Keeping wear down on amplifier relays was also mentioned by
>one, as well as receive antenna switching by another.

As-is, the Orion has QSK delay and adjustable hang time for release of
an amplifier if the issue is assuring that an older non-QSK amplifier
is not hot-switched.  There is a delay from the time the amp is keyed
until RF drive appears out of the transceiver; the release delay is
then user controlled to assure RF drive has disappeared before the amp
is released.  No "lost leading dit".  No hot-switching on key up or on
amplifier release.

I missed the original survey questions, but I have never used PTT
control for CW operation of transceivers operating SO2R.  I use
semi-break-in or non-break-in CW at various times during contests while
SO2R - but not PTT control of CW.  No station I have ever SO2R guest
op'ed at has had this in use.  

Scott Robbins W4PA
Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec 
and an occasional CW contest entrant

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