Fwd: Fw: [CQ-Contest] Lost leading 'dit' - summary

kd4d at comcast.net kd4d at comcast.net
Mon Mar 1 14:56:00 EST 2004

Hi Scott:

What do you mean by "PTT Control of CW?"  How does it differ from
"Non-break-in CW?"  I think we are all talking about two or three
different things. :-)  

EVERY station I guest operate at uses PTT fed to the radios from 
the computers (or, in one case, an external DVK). There is usually
a foot switch input fed to the radios as well.  Often there is
an SO2R switching box before the radios as well.

The radios, in turn, key the amplifiers.  This is true for both 
SSB and CW.  Is this what you mean by "PTT Control of CW?"

Thanks very much for your active support of the Orion and your
patience with this reflector!

BTW:  I think the "lost leading dit" problem that Brett is 
referring to is the problem of losing the first character 
of the callsign of stations calling YOU after a CQ.  If 
the QSK delay is adjusted to be long enough so the amplifier 
doesn't drop out between letters, it also doesn't drop out 
after a CQ is completed.  He is not talking about the 
"leading dit" from the transmitter.  That is a different
issue entirely.

Thanks and 73.

Mark, KD4D
> VR2BG wrote:
> > So, other than for older amps, many in the contesting community use
> > CW PTT for that additional edge it gives in today's competitive SO2R
> > world.  Not being able to do so would appear to be a problem & > >
> >interestingly, two of the current hot radios (Orion & K2) go key down
> >when PTT is asserted in CW & both of these radios could easily be
> >modified to at least give the option of using PTT for CW with a
> >firmware change, making them attractive to all in
> >this not insignificant segment of the amateur equipment market.
> The Orion will have this as an option via a future firmware upgrade.
> It was actually ready for the Orion prior to ARRL DX CW but making a
> change to the options available for CW PTT the week before a major
> contest struck us as causing a lot of potential problems. 
> The beauty of a Flash-ROM updateable transceiver is that items like
> this can be added - we've already added a whole host of features that

> weren't in the rig originally in response to user feedback and will
> continue to do so off into the future. 
> >Of those who use PTT for CW, seven cited amplifier switching as the
> >reason.  Five also mentioned being able to get transmit "hang" time
> >right between when sending with paddles & when sending canned
> >messages.  Keeping wear down on amplifier relays was also mentioned by
> >one, as well as receive antenna switching by another.
> As-is, the Orion has QSK delay and adjustable hang time for release of
> an amplifier if the issue is assuring that an older non-QSK amplifier
> is not hot-switched.  There is a delay from the time the amp is keyed
> until RF drive appears out of the transceiver; the release delay is
> then user controlled to assure RF drive has disappeared before the amp
> is released.  No "lost leading dit".  No hot-switching on key up or on
> amplifier release.
> I missed the original survey questions, but I have never used PTT

> control for CW operation of transceivers operating SO2R.  I use
> semi-break-in or non-break-in CW at various times during contests while
> SO2R - but not PTT control of CW.  No station I have ever SO2R guest
> op'ed at has had this in use.  
> 73
> Scott Robbins W4PA
> Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec 
> and an occasional CW contest entrant
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