[CQ-Contest] ARRL Phone - 40 m lack of bandplan compliance

David Burger DavidB at facilities.usyd.edu.au
Tue Mar 9 10:57:27 EST 2004

Here in Region 3, it is quite acceptable (and legal) for us to use SSB down
to 7003 if we really wanted to, and everyone in NA knows that.  Sure, the CW
boy's will be turning on their keyers and dits in complaint, and I'm sure
the NA boys have notch filters happening. Suggesting that stations in
another IARU region be penalized just for some short-sightedness in your
local IARU region is petty.

I logged 5 EU stations calling CQ up around 7.243  where I  stand to be
corrected by thinking they we also non-compliant.

Besides, now that CW has been dropped from most jurisdictions, I would
expect CW allocations to gradually disappear.

David Burger  VK2CZ
The University of Sydney

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