[CQ-Contest] cluster network user notes

David Robbins K1TTT k1ttt at arrl.net
Thu Mar 11 22:26:49 EST 2004

A couple things not to do on the cluster/dxsummit spotting network these
days from some problems I have seen in looking at those spots...

1. don't logon with a / in your call.  Some nodes will strip the slash
and then forward the spot resulting in all your spots being duplicated
on some parts of the network.
2. don't use an ssid greater than 15.  some nodes will let you use
higher numbers, others will reject them... and some nodes will reject
spots or announces from anywhere if the ssid is >15, so your spots may
not get distributed.
3. don't use non-ascii 7 bit characters in comments or announces... this
means no umlauts(sp?), accented french or spanish characters, that
german double s, etc.  These can result in loops and repeats of spots,
sometimes many repeats as various nodes mangle the comments and they get
back through dupe filters.
4. don't input spots to more than one node.  Some software, including my
wintelnetx program, can be set up to connect to multiple nodes... if you
do this only send the spots to one of the nodes or you can create
duplicates on the network.

And one personal note... if you use my node via telnet and are running a
spot sucker you may end up getting disconnected regularly during
contests.  The network backbone is massively redundant to most areas now
so there should be no need for connecting to multiple nodes for
individual use.  My node has been 'full' during recent contests such
that windows is rejecting new connections, this results in some local
club users not being able to get connected.  When this happens I start
at the top and disconnect suspected suckers first to open more
connections.... if you are too aggressive on reconnecting and there is
no human response to talks I may lock you out for a while.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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