[CQ-Contest] Re: How's 'bout a DX "Sprint"? (Ron Notarius WN3VAW)

Walter O'Brien / W2WJO w2wjo at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 17 15:49:00 EST 2004


what a GREAT idea!!!! i really enjoy the DX contests, but can't stay at 
it 48 hours straight, and unless I do I'm not going to be competetive. 
I still have a lot of fun... but 24 hours, I could manage that!.

Heck, I was just brainstorming with an old friend a few months back, 
talking about starting a fun contest, the next day I stumbled into some 
other guys doing the same but a few big steps ahead of us, and they 
needed reps in my state, so we signed up, and the Mid-Atlantic QSO 
Party began to grow, and the response has been incredible...

It CAN be done, with or without the help of CQ or ARRL, but I think for 
a DX 24 hour thing their help would be useful. Personally, I think it 
should be completely separate, a whole new contest... plenty of room 
for another great DX contest.... IMHO

Good luck with it, if you start keeping a list, put me on it!!!!

73, Walter W2WJO
future top scorer, WN3VAW DX Sprint <G>

On Mar 17, 2004, at 12:00 PM, cq-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:

> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 21:45:19 -0500
> From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <wn3vaw at fyi.net>
> To: "CQ Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] How's 'bout a DX "Sprint"?
> Message-ID: <029d01c40bca$01bd50a0$03010a0a at office1>
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> 	charset="iso-8859-1"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 2
> We've been discussing the pros and cons of shorter 
> contests-within-a-contest
> in one form or another for years.  And while I can see both sides of 
> the
> argument, bottom line appears to be echoed in Larry K2GN's post:  
> "Isn't the
> purpose of this hobby to have FUN??"
> So rather than continuing to argue in the abstract, here's a thought to
> ponder:
> Why not add a 24 hour "DX Sprint" contest within the annual ARRL DX
> Contests?
> One way it could work would be like this:
> (a)  All rules of the ARRL DX Contests must be followed in full.
> (b)  Certificates awarded as per the full blown contest (ie 
> certificates for
> each ARRL/RAC section and so forth) but no plaques -- KISS principle 
> here
> (c)  Only single operator categories allowed at the standard 3 power 
> levels.
> If you want to run multi op, then your team can schedule yourselves 
> for the
> full 48 hour period.  (What about assisted, you ask?  Good question.  I
> leave that open for the moment.  Ditto SO2R)
> (d)  24 hour period runs from 1200 Z Saturday through 1200 Z Sunday of 
> the
> contest weekend.  No picking & choosing.
> Let's not forget that unfortunately, many of us who are capable of 
> running
> the full 48 hours may not be able to free up the time, between work and
> family obligations.  But many of us in this situation can schedule a 
> 24 hour
> block.  So why not find a way to give the time-limited ops an 
> incentive to
> go for 24 hours, rather than saying "oh well, I'll get on for a few 
> hours
> and work a few guys just to get my call out there, why bother with any
> more?"
> Just a thought...
> 73, ron wn3vaw
> Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them
> (From "The Top 17 Bumper Stickers You Would Like To See")

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