[CQ-Contest] Rescoring VHF Contest Logs

Kenneth E. Harker kharker at cs.utexas.edu
Thu Mar 25 11:01:09 EST 2004

     The ARRL Programs and Services Committee VHF-UHF Contest and Awards 
Subcommittee has recently published several proposed rules changes for 
ARRL VHF/UHF contests.  If you are an ARRL member or contest participant,
and you haven't already seen the proposal, you can read it online here:

     I have written a Perl program that can read in multiple Cabrillo logs
for the ARRL January, June, and September VHF contests, and compute
eight different scores - variations on the current scoring formulas,
distance scoring, different multiplier rules for the rover category, etc.  
The code and a more detailed explanation is available here:


     You can feed all your VHF contest logs into this code and see exactly
how much difference the various possible scoring formulas would have made
on your contest score.  I welcome feedback.

Kenneth E. Harker      "Vox Clamantis in Deserto"      kharker at cs.utexas.edu
University of Texas at Austin                   Amateur Radio Callsign: WM5R
Department of the Computer Sciences          Central Texas DX & Contest Club
Taylor Hall TAY 2.124                         Maintainer of Linux on Laptops
Austin, TX 78712-1188 USA            http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/

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