[CQ-Contest] SP DX Contest
tomek at sp5zcc.waw.pl
Wed Mar 31 13:44:52 EST 2004
The Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow and SP DX Club have the pleasure of
inviting you to participate in the 2004 SP DX Contest.
There are two essential changes in the rules this year, so we encourage
you to familiarize yourself with the rules which are available on
http://www.contest.spdx.org.pl/ . For convenience thay are published in
several languages.
The SP DX Contest was first held in 1933. Last year we observed the
70th anniversary of the contest. The rules have changed over the course
of the years. Up to and including 1996, the contest was SSB one year
and CW the next. From 1997 on they are on both SSB and CW. The results
for the years 1997-2003 are currently available on our database which is
available on-line. There you can find your call and results, category
and your final standing in previous contests.
This year the contest is held on April 3-4. We invite you to
participate in the 2004 SP DX Contest.
SP DX Contest Committee
PS. In some of the internet contest calendars the rules of the SP DX
Contest are not updated. We have sent information to all calendars
some time ago. Perhaps it was lost. Please visit
http://www.contest.spdx.org.pl/ for the complete and up-to-date info.
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