[CQ-Contest] Self Spotting

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 31 16:42:29 EST 2004

KM9M wrote :

  Here we go again...................... I vote leave ALL the contests the way they are....... If we ALL want to win, or level the scoreboard, you need to spend the money, have the location, and pay your dues. That's why I'LL probably NEVER win... I still enjoy doing it, BUT THAT'S THE WAY IT IS...... And this is not a solo personal attack, but due to postings of late: Perhaps a "whining about unfair contesting" reflector should start. Seems like every week, same old stuff.

I have to disagree with this statement. If we never changed any contest rules :

 1) The ARRL DX contest would still be 96 hours each mode.

 2) There would not be a SOA category

 3) There would not be a Multi-2 category.

 4) There would not be single band entries in ARRL DX - It used to be just high
    band and low band.

 5) There would not be a category such as TS in CQ contests.

  I think you can start seeing the point I am trying to make. Many times
 the contest sponsors change their rules based on a demand by the contest 
 community or a change in technology that might give someone a unfair 
 advantage. Many of these rule changes have come about by discussions that have
 taken place on this reflector.

   Amateur radio contesting has never been a fair game and never 
 will be. I never look at any rule in any contest as the "THE WAY IT IS".
 If I have an opinion on a better way then I am going to express it. That's
 one of the main purposes for having a reflector like this. I don't look at
 expressing your opinion as "whining".

  The packet issue has been discussed for a long time and it seems to me that the majority favor removing it from contesting.  Now it's time for the contest
sponsors to react....

                      73, Jeff KU8E

 P.S. I bet some of you OT's can think of some other old contest rules...

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