[CQ-Contest] 50 MHz Spring Sprint

Doug Smith W9WI w9wi at earthlink.net
Fri May 7 00:35:33 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 16:56, K7bv at aol.com wrote:
> fine on 6 meters.  I have worked people on 6m all over the USA and even some 
> Europeans who were using 40 meter loops, 80 and 160 wire antennas, and several 
> tribanders.  One guy was loading a 10 meter Sterba Curtain.  

I use a 2m 5/8 mag-mount in the rain gutter.  It's no Yagi but it works
plenty of QSOs, including about a dozen Europeans (and VY1JA) back at
the peak of the cycle.  
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN  EM66

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