[CQ-Contest] Dayton atendees - tell us about the new Yaesu

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik at subich.com
Mon May 17 19:59:08 EDT 2004

> Don't despair. George, W2VJN is working on, displayed some, 
> and coming out with roofing filters for the rest of the 
> "old loser" radios like FT1000D etc.,  so don't dump them 
> yet. While they would still use high IF upconversion, but 
> the improvement in performance would rival IC7800, going 
> from 60ies some dBs to high 80ies (Orion is in low 90ies).  

More specifically: 

The INRAD information is not currently on the web site.  George 
told me they would update the data after they returned home (a 
leisurely trip back to the west coast in their RV).  Look for 
the data in a couple of weeks. 

The FT-1000MP/MKV filter comes on a board that installs in 
place of the 70 MHz IF mod.  The board includes impedance 
matching and a post filter amplifier that has about 2 dB of 
excess gain (gain in excess of the filter loss) vs. 8dB of 
gain in the "noise reduction" mod.  

Performance specs (IMD Dynamic Range) in the FT-1000MP are: 

            Signal spacing            Dynamic Range 
               10 KHz                    107   dB 
                5 KHz                    100.5 dB 
                3 KHz                     97.5 dB 

This compares to an unmodified narrow dynamic range in the 
mid-80 dB range (from memory). 

Price will be $165 ... deliveries are scheduled to start in 
four to six weeks.  INRAD also has a roofing filter for the 
TenTec Omni VI series and are working on roofing filters for 
the IC-765/IC-781.    

At present there is no roofing filter modification for the 
FT-1000/D (different first IF frequency and circuit) but 
George has several offers of service manuals and test bed 
radios.  I would expect (hope for) a FT-1000/D version soon 
after the IC-765/IC-781. 

I certainly can't see spending > $10K the IC-8000 or 
FTdx-9000 when comparable performance can be achieved for 
much less than half the price with a pair of the "tried and 
true" radios and added roofing filters. 


   ... Joe, K4IK 

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