[CQ-Contest] Question for Experienced SO2R Ops

kd4d at comcast.net kd4d at comcast.net
Sun May 30 14:15:40 EDT 2004

Hi Pete:

Doing serious SO2R, I swap roles every band change for the
run radio.  I find a frequency on the second radio and just start
CQ'ing there.

Often, I'm using manual tune amps which also pretty much forces
the radio change too.


Mark, KD4D

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Pete Smith" <n4zr at contesting.com>
> To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2004 2:34 PM
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Question for Experienced SO2R Ops
> > Under what circumstances do you swap the roles of your two radios -- 
> in
> > other words, begin running with the S&P radio, and put the Run radio
> to
> > work S&Ping?  I'm not thinking about situations where you might run
> one or
> > two on the S&P radio in a quirky situation, but where you actually
> want to
> > change their respective roles for a period of time.  In my station,
> the
> > second radio antenna setup and power is so inferior to the first
> radio that
> > this rarely arises, but I don't know what the situation is in
> stations that
> > are more nearly "symmetrical."
> If you have two conventional (tuneup required) amplifiers, and you
> don't swap roles, then you have to tune both amplifiers if you want to
> change S&P and run bands. If you are able to swap roles, then many
> times no tuneup, or only one tuneup, is required. A flexible antenna
> switch, such as Array Solutions' Six-Pak, solves the problem of
> asymmetric antennas.
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ
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