[CQ-Contest] Cheerling - Again

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Fri Nov 12 22:55:34 EST 2004

Yes we have to do something about this "friends working friends"
deal. You know some people got more friends then others so letting
people work friends doesnt make it fair.
Bad enough to spot friends or club members (even former) but to
actually make a contesr QSO with a friend surely must be worse.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Simon Brown, HB9DRV wrote:
> Another take on cheerleading.
> In a previous incarnation I was GD4ELI and always try to work the Isle of
> Man contest stations on as many bands as possible. I also get a friend in
> Holland to try to do the same. So recently MD4K was assisted by me, even
> though I haven't spoken to anyone on the team for over 15 years. Fair or
> unfair?
> BTW a very big thanks to those who go to great lengths and costs to put on
> stations with exotic calls during contests.
> Simon Brown
> www.hb9drv.ch

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