[CQ-Contest] RE: CN2KM - Anyone know the op?

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Thu Nov 25 23:54:40 EST 2004

Oh my gosh...just when you think you've heard it all ;-(

On 40m CW tonight, for a moment I thought my RX was jumping all over the 
place.  CN2KM would work one or two people and then be on a different 
frequency.  I called real low once & he apparently came back but I didn't 
hear him because he had "moved" again.  So I started listening "around" 
again, and there he was calling me.  By that time I had already changed TX 
frequency.  Several re-attempts resulted in him not hearing me and moving 
on down the line.

If he tuned across the pile and picked a new station, then his XMIT 
frequency changed ;-(

Finally, I got through, QRS'd and said: "You need to fix your RIT/XIT, 
OM".  He came back and asked what was wrong.  I said "You keep 
QSYing".  His response was:  "Just follow me" (or something like 
that).   One or two others on frequency gave out an "hi".

If this guy keeps the same operating style during a crowded band during the 
CQWW, there will be a lot of *unnecessary* confusion.

If anyone knows the op of CN2KM, please grab him and shake some sense into 
him (especially if this is a contest operation).

FYI & 73...

Rick, K6VVA 

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