[CQ-Contest] cqww cw spot analysis

David Robbins K1TTT k1ttt at arrl.net
Mon Nov 29 12:25:24 EST 2004

My node had 35633 spots for the weekend.  There were 4190 stations
spotted by 3158 spotters.  An interesting statistic (if you are into
such things) is that there were 29484 different combinations of spotters
and spottees in the log, this means that 6149 spots were from spotters
who spotted the same station more than once.

Most spotted dx:
DX		Count
5U5Z		492
HC8N		339
3D2XA		319
PJ2T		289
WP2Z		272
ZL6QH		252
J7OJ		222
A61AJ		219
V31RM		211
VP5W		209
CT9L		208
VP9I		195
8P5A		176
VP2MZM	172
9N7BCC	167
D4B		164

most active spotters:
Spotter	count
RL3A		1354
W3LPL-4	1291
NQ4I		580
W6YX		557
KC1XX		452
K3LR		310
N4RV		299
W1EBI		290
K1IR		287
K1TTT-7	275
NY4A		264
W1DAD		258
W2FU		251
W6TA		244
K8AZ-4	234

On the cheerleaders list it is a bit more informative to add a couple
more numbers.  This list shows the number of spots each spotter made for
the dx station and compares to their total spots for the weekend and the
percent of spots they made that were for that one dx station.  Obviously
the ones with high percentages were much more interested in spotting
that one dx station than anything else in the contest.  Obviously 10-20
spots from w3lpl or rl3a who made over 1000 spots each is not
significant, where 43 spots from kp4cpd who only made 46 spots may be.

spotter	dx		Spots	total	Pct
KP4CPD	KP4KE		43	46	93
EA3EWI	SP9NLK	37	37	100  (see more below)
N3IQ		C6AQQ		33	63	52
W3LPL-4	WP2Z		18	1291	1
4X6HP		4Z5LA		16	16	100
RL3A		RU1A		16	1354	1
W3LPL-4	VE3YAA	15	1291	1
PT2BAT	PT2CM		15	15	100
IQ8CZ		IW8RSB	14	14	100
W3LPL-4	VP9I		12	1291	0
RL3A		UA0AZA	12	1354	0
PT2FE		PT2CM		12	16	75
RL3A		RT9W		12	1354	0
NQ4I		5U5Z		12	580	2
SP5ELA	SN1D		11	11	100
IZ2BKC	II2B		11	11	100
N8BJQ		PJ2T		11	125	8
KC1XX		PJ2T		10	452	2
RL3A		JA3YBK	10	1354	0

Here is the breakdown of the 'single spotter' spots.  These are spots by
spotters who only made one spot in the 48 hour contest for anyone.  The
'Total' column is how many spots the station got in the whole contest.
the 'All' column is the number and percent from all the nodes, and the
'DXS' column is the number of spots and percentage from only DXSummit.
Normally stations in this list are relatively rare dx that attract dx
hunters or casual contesters that don't make a lot of spots.  As a good
example 5u5z attracted lots of attention but got less than 5% of their
spots from single spotters and only 3 spots from DXSummit single
spotters.  S9BB is an exceptional dx example that was not in the
contest, but it shows how many single spotters an active station may
draw and the percentage that might come from DXSummit.

DX		Total	All(%) 	DXS(%)
5U5Z		492	23(4)		3(0)
S9BB		66	23(34)	5(7) (not in test, warc bands only)
3D2XA		319	14(4)		3(0)
9N7BCC	167	13(7)		1(0)
HC8N		339	12(3)		3(0)
ZL6QH		252	11(4)		2(0)
RX4HZ		17	10(58)	10(58) (see details below)
VK9AA		84	10(11)	4(4)
CP6CW		135	10(7)		3(2)
XQ4ZW		54	10(18)	9(16) (see details below)
6W7RV		44	9(20)		3(6)
A61AJ		219	9(4)		1(0)
EA3NW		12	8(66)		7(58) (not in contest)
4U1ITU	112	8(7)		6(5)
D4B		164	7(4)		1(0)
5H3KK		123	7(5)		4(3)
S9A		135	7(5)		1(0)
B4TB		20	7(35)		7(35) (see details below)

Sure would be nice to get the ip address info back from DXSummit for
these spotters. 
Spotter	FromNode	Dx	Freq	Comment
PY3GH		DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21064	ZONE 12
JH1FSF	DXSummit	XQ4ZW	28024.9	 
UA3FJK	DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21064	CE 12
PY6GT		DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21076	ZONE 12 !!
UA3FHJ	DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21064	CE 12
S51DI		S50CLX	XQ4ZW	28089.5	 
PY4FG		DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21082	Z 12
W3BGH		DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21082	Z 12
PY3RF		DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21064	ZONE 12
OH2GV		DXSummit	XQ4ZW	21064	ZONE 12
its interesting that most of the dxsummit spots had to be sure you knew
ce was zone 12.  Most contest spotters don't bother with a comment like
that so having a whole group like that is odd.  also, w3bgh is not found
in latest buckmaster cd.  also note that all the ones with comments are
exact integer frequencies, most cw spots have some variance around the
real tx just due to how people tune them in.

this is an odd group of spotters but not very active if it is a self
spotting effort.  it mostly caught my eye because one of them was from
my node and was obviously not from nj.

Spotter	FromNode	Dx	Freq	Comment
RK6AWU	RN6BN		UU7J	3520.3	 
UX2FXX	UX2FXX-1	UU7J	14033	 
W3UTD		K4UGA		UU7J	7022.8	 
W2OF		K1TTT		UU7J	3517	 
UU0JL		RN6BN		UU7J	1829	 
UA9SGB	RN6BN		UU7J	7002.4	 
W1PO		RN6BN		UU7J	28063	 

11/27/2004 03:06Z  Logging in user W2OF (tel61:
this ip block belongs to:
person:       Alexander Remiga
address:      JSC UKRTELECOM
address:      18, Shevchenko blvd.
address:      01030, Kiev, Ukraine

11/28/2004 23:45Z  Logging in user RK6AWU (tel8:
11/28/2004 23:31Z  Logging in user UA9SGB (tel8:
11/28/2004 19:39Z  Logging in user UU0JL (tel48:   
these three come from:
address:      Ukrainian Mobile Communications
address:      21, Moskovskaya str.
address:      Kiev 01010
address:      Ukraine

11/28/2004 13:20Z  Logging in user W1PO (tel48:
and this one comes from an isp at:
address:      20, Yaltinskaya Street
address:      Simferopol, Crimean Republic
address:      Ukraine

Spotter	FromNode	Dx	Freq	Comment
W2ED		W1AAA		9A5MTFB	7048.3	 
NG5R		W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.2	 
NN5R		W1AAA		9A5MT	7034	big....
K3JB		W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.3	 
9A6DPD	W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.3	 
DL1JGS	W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.2	 
N4RD		W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.4	 
K2EI		W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.3	big . . .
K4TG		W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.3	 
N4RZ		W1AAA		9A5MT	7048.3	loud

most of these aren't very surprising...  they had only ever connected to
w1aaa once in the node log:
28Nov2004 at 23:13:00 W2ED connected from
28Nov2004 at 22:58:32 NG5R connected from
27Nov2004 at 00:02:22 NN5R connected from
28Nov2004 at 23:22:50 K3JB connected from
28Nov2004 at 23:22:01 DL1JGS connected from
28Nov2004 at 23:18:57 N4RD connected from
28Nov2004 at 23:00:49 K2EI connected from
28Nov2004 at 23:03:46 K4TG connected from
28Nov2004 at 22:53:58 N4RZ connected from

the owner of this block is:
role:         CMU administrator
address:      J.Marohnica bb
address:      10000 Zagreb
address:      Croatia

one of them lends a bit of light to the situation as he has been there
19Oct2003 at 14:34:48 9A6DPD connected from
25Jan2004 at 22:57:19 9A6DPD connected from
27Jan2004 at 23:31:08 9A6DPD connected from
13Nov2004 at 18:12:38 9A6DPD connected from
27Nov2004 at 07:51:18 9A6DPD connected from
27Nov2004 at 19:55:13 9A6DPD connected from
28Nov2004 at 22:57:24 9A6DPD connected from
29Nov2004 at 12:53:29 9A6DPD connected from

Here are some more where ip info from dxsummit would definately help.

Spotter	FromNode	Dx		Freq	Comment
VE7JY		DXSummit	SP9NLK	14054.4	test
SP9YDX	K1TTT		SP9NLK	14000	 
W2PT		DXSummit	SP9NLK	14025.4	 
W9PT		DXSummit	SP9NLK	14077.1	 
sp9ydx is a regular user on my node.  none of the others has  made any
dx spot in the last month that is in my node database now.  not a very
active self spotter if it was, but interesting coincidence that w2pt and
w9pt both only spotted him.

note he also had the cheerleader ea3ewi... who just happened to be using
my node from: 
11/28/2004 18:39Z  Logging out user EA3EWI (tel104:
11/28/2004 15:18Z  Logging in user EA3EWI (tel104:
11/28/2004 15:14Z  Logging out user EA3EWI (tel50:
11/28/2004 14:05Z  Logging in user EA3EWI (tel50:
11/28/2004 13:52Z  Logging out user EA3EWI (tel74:
11/28/2004 08:49Z  Logging in user EA3EWI (tel74:
11/28/2004 07:26Z  Logging out user EA3EWI (tel4:
11/28/2004 03:40Z  Logging in user EA3EWI (tel4:
11/27/2004 23:44Z  Logging out user EA3EWI (tel31:
11/27/2004 13:38Z  Logging in user EA3EWI (tel31:
which is from:
descr:        FUH AtuPartner s.c. A. Wieczorek and M. Oles
descr:        ul. Biernackiego 10
descr:        44-293 Szczerbice
country:      PL

Here are some more where ip info from dxsummit would definately help.

Spotter	FromNode	Dx	Freq	Comment
JA4RTA	DXSummit	SF30A	7047.3	 
W4RJ		DXSummit	SF30A	7042.2	 
W3RQ		DXSummit	SF30A	7060	 
W3TY		DXSummit	SF30A	7020.6	 
K7UY		DXSummit	SF30A	7062	sm
G4RDS		DXSummit	SF30A	7055.7	 

Here are some more where ip info from dxsummit would definately help.

Spotter	FromNode	Dx	Freq	Comment
WC4L		DXSummit	RX4HZ	3508	cq
YV5YU		DXSummit	RX4HZ	7044	cq
LY1KJ		DXSummit	RX4HZ	3546	cqww
K9PS		DXSummit	RX4HZ	7044	599=
PY5IL		DXSummit	RX4HZ	7021	599
KO2Z		DXSummit	RX4HZ	3517	ww
KC4T		DXSummit	RX4HZ	3517	cq ww 599=
K5WT		DXSummit	RX4HZ	7044	cq ww
K6GL		DXSummit	RX4HZ	7055	 
UN7GH		DXSummit	RX4HZ	7044	test

High percentage of single spotter spots and most with comments that
contain similar text.  again, most contest spotters don't bother putting
in the contest name or a signal report... and whats with the '599=' in
two of them?  and all on exact integer frequencies, most spots
especially on cw have some variance less than 1kc around their tx

Here are some more where ip info from dxsummit would definately help.

Spotter	FromNode	Dx	Freq	Comment
JQ3WCF	DXSummit	B4TB	14038.5	 
I2DRG		DXSummit	B4TB	14067.5	 
UA3EFB	DXSummit	B4TB	14041.5	 
RA3YHO	DXSummit	B4TB	14061.5	 
DF4GHL	DXSummit	B4TB	14029.5	 
LY2QI		DXSummit	B4TB	14052.5	 
JH3RGI	DXSummit	B4TB	14060.5	 
interesting that all are exactly on a .5kc frequency.  most spots have
some variance just due to how people tune in cw.

An active self spotter from cyprus that obviously doesn't know about
tracing ip addresses.

Spotter	FromNode	Dx		Freq	Comment
JA6DFI	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28003	test
JL7JGF	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28018.4	 
SM7TDL	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28002.5	 
DH1EDM	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28014	booming sgn
PY2DET	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28012	cq ww test
JG1SSD	JA3QGI-4	5B/KI0BP	28012.9	strong!
DK1HJ		PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28003.9	super op
DF1SSG	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28002.7	 
DL1KLC	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28003.9	 
JH1KKG	EA1CYZ-5	5B/KI0BP	28012.5	 
JA2BCE	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28017.9	 
JI0OHG	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28012.5	 
OK1SFV	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28003.9	 
JA3JJK	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28012.9	ww
JA3RED	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28002.5	 
JH1CGJ	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28010	 
JH1ELI	JA3QGI-4	5B/KI0BP	28024	 
PY2STO	PA1RBZ	5B/KI0BP	28030	 

27Nov2004 at 05:49:06 JA6DFI connected from
descr:        Cyprus Telecommuncations Authority

27Nov2004 at 10:02:56 SM7TDL connected from
28Nov2004 at 08:23:38 DH1EDM connected from
descr:        Cyprus Telecommuncations Authority

need i continue???  getting ip addresses from dxspider nodes is a slower
process than from ar-cluster, but i think you get the idea.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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