[CQ-Contest] Factors Affecting Scoring

Joe Contester radiosporting at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 29 19:35:49 EST 2004

Please reply direct, off-list.
Your opinion is sought, but not your opinion of an opinion, yet. :)
Brainstorm request.  In your opinion:
1. What station (or hardware) factors are at play in determining one's final score?  Example: Antenna height as a % of wavelength, RF output, feedline attenuation, number of transceivers, ???
2. What operator (or skill) factors are at play in determining one's final score?  Example: Experience level as measured in # of events, Operating time, Number of operators, ???
3. What other factors, not listed above, have the ability to affect final score?
4. Lastly, what drives you the most crazy about how "entry categories" are administered in today's contests?
Your input may be used to create a "contest for the 21st Century".
Please reply direct, not to the list.  Thank you!

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