[CQ-Contest] Factors Affecting Scoring]

dt pattaya at direcpc.com
Tue Nov 30 08:59:29 EST 2004

As viewed from a 160 meter contest station
Because number of dx contacts always stack the score

1. location, location, having Europe at your back door  is first 'edge'
    location, location, having a pasture in your back yard is second 
 big 'edge' ( we have that one)

2.  being old enough to have acquired the experience,
     and young enough to still have your hearing in good health.

3.  morals, or lack of:; most that refuse to run above legal limit in 
their category are handicapped

4.  solve nr 3  and nr 4  would be insignificant

 Too bad you didn't have n r 5

5.  What's your suggestion for making it a more level playing field?
           Our suggestion:  Any station that accepts a top 3 in the 
contests automatically issues an open house invitation
                                     to anyone in the top 20  to 
observe, unannounced ,  during next contest. 
                                     Of course, number of observers 
would have to be limited and would have to observe without
                                     adding any obligation to observed 
                                     There would be no expectation  of 
'catching' any wrong doing,
                                      but there might be some 
significant changes in top scores.
                                      There might also be a reduction in 
number of 'barn burning ' signals heard.
                                      There could be many reasons why an 
average contest station might not be set up for visitors,
                                       but it is not likely that a 
station set up to be a top competitor in the contest, would be unduly
                                       hampered by a knock on the door, 
particularly if the knock is another contester that does not
                                        require a 'welcome wagon'.

                                      Doug, n5ect
                                       Marlene, wd5r

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