[CQ-Contest] Pennsylvania QSO Party This Weekend

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Oct 9 08:44:33 EDT 2004

I haven't seen anything posted here, so I just wanted to provide a quick 
reminder that this weekend is the Pennsylvania QSO Party, starting at 1600z today 

It runs to 0500z Sunday, and again from 1300z to 2200z on Sunday. Exchange is 
QSO Number & QTH.

This is one of the oldest and biggest of the state parties.  It has 
tremendous in state activity - including a lot by people who ordinarily aren't 
contesters.  A lot of these people don't do a lot of CQing, rather just tune around 
calling people.  So it can be a lot of fun even for an out of state guy to CQ on 
a band open to PA ( on SSB) and run guys in PA.  Unlike most state QSO 
parties, mults for the PA guys include ARRL sections, so you may be in a new/rare 
one (Hello California!).

And yes, I'll be out driving around PA. We may also stop in several rarer 
counties to set up an operate as a rover, using a separate W3 call.  Hope to work 
lots of you!

73  -   Jim   K8MR 

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