[CQ-Contest] GL in the CQWW Contests from OK1QM

Jan Kučera jan.ok1qm at volny.cz
Sun Oct 17 13:12:43 EDT 2004

Hello dear friends contesters,

Let me, please, wish to you all good luck and a lot of fun in the coming
CQWW Contests no matter you will go on big gun Dxpeditions or join as the
small pistols from your homes.
I am really happy I can participate in these wonderful events, to be even a
small part of this great group of people and am looking forward to meet you
on the bands.

73´s and gl,

Jan, OK1QM.
P.S. Please, remember there is the OK/OM DX Contest between both CQWW ones
which can be very good training for the CW part. Me and the rest of the
Czech and Slovak stations are really looking forward to you.

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