[CQ-Contest] QRP SK Memorial Sprint

Bob Patten n4bp at bellsouth.net
Wed Sep 1 10:18:39 EDT 2004


      September 4, 2004 1800Z to 2100Z

      CW ONLY. Our contest celebrates and honors the QRP luminaries who
      no longer answer CQ's. Those generous people who graciously
      donated to the QRP community their time, effort and knowledge to
      advance the premise that more fun could be had using less than 5
      watts. Some were irascible and some were even considered
      curmudgeons but when you took a keen look at their accomplishments
      and listened to those who knew them well you discovered truly
      wonderful people who would give you their last diode. The people
      we are celebrating are well known among the QRP Community. Some
      passed recently and some have enjoyed their reward many years.
      They are not forgotten for their accomplishments live on either on
      the bands, the internet, through published works or organizations
      that benefited from their largess. This contest celebrates ALL
      SK's who now call CQ from above, where all sigs are 599 and all
      contacts QSL 100%.

      A special certificate will be issued to members and non-members
      for this QRP Memorial Sprint. Certificates will be mailed about
      two weeks after contest completion.

      Please help me publish this contest on any list server you are a
      member as it is a VERY short time span before the contest and we
      want everyone QRP or QRO to celebrate the many SK's we all knew
      and loved in years past.


    * Work station once per band.
    * Categories
          o All-band
          o Single band
          o High bands
          o Low bands
          o Multi-Op
          o DX
    * Exchange
          o RST
          o State, Province, or Country (S/P/C)
          o ARCI number (non-members send power)
    * QSO Points
          o Member = 5 pts
          o Non-member different continent = 4 pts.
          o Non-member same continent = 2 pts
    * Multipliers
          o S/P/C total for all bands
          o S/P/C's count once per band
    * Power
          o >5W = X1
          o >1 - 5W = X7
          o >250W - 1W = X10
          o >55mW - 250mW= X15
          o   55mW or less = x20
    * Bonus Points for working portable.
          o If you are operating PORTABLE using battery power AND a
            temporary antenna add 5000 points to your final score.  [You
            can NOT be at your shack operating from battery power using
            your home station antenna to qualify for this bonus.] This
            is to help level the playing field for contesters who work
            from the field against contest stations with 5 element
            yagi's at 70'.
    * Final Score
          o QSO points X total SPCs X Power Multi + Bonus Points
    * Suggested Frequencies (kHz)
      Let's use the calling frequency +5KHz and -10KHz for our operating
      range. Please avoid the FISTS calling freq on  ?.058 and the
      County Hunter's Net on ?.056.5. Let's tune down 10 and up 5
      looking for QRP CQ's. The end result will be more contacts and
      less congestion! Please allow the Calling Freq be used by those
      who are Xtal Controlled and can't move. A station running 5Watts
      is QRO to a station running 55mWatts especially when both are
      trying to work on ??060MHz! Stake out a spot on ??.052KHz and
      start calling CQ QRP - let's NOT self-impose a 3KHz bandwidth
      limitation upon ourselves!

        P l e a s e  S P R E A D   O U T

      ----- Suggested Calling Frequencies -----

Entries are accepted when postmarked within 30 days of the last day of
the contest. Entries without log sheets or incomplete entries will be
denoted in RED on the contest results website and will be disqualified
if not corrected at the end of the 30 day entry window.

All contests entries are submitted to the Contest Manager from a link on
top of the ARCI contesting website. The link will guide you through the
contest entry procedure to make it easy for the neophyte and quick for
the experienced contester. The online entry form MUST be completed for
your entry to be accepted. Complete detailed contest entry information
is provided via this link rather being duplicated on each individual
contest information page.

The Link:    http://2hams.net/ARCI/Submit%20Introduction.htm

Questions should be directed to the Contest Manager
<mailto:wb5khc at 2hams.net> -- please put QRP ARCI in the subject line.

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

E-Mail: n4bp at arrl.net                   Website: http://www.qsl.net/n4bp
QRP ARCI #3412    SOC #1    ARS #799    Whiners #6   FISTS #7871

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