[CQ-Contest] Don't we need to change the sprint protocol?

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sat Sep 18 00:54:42 EDT 2004

No, Dale, you are not missing anything. That is what I do. If I miss
part of an exchange, and the guy I am working gets the frequency,
I will fire back with a "nr?" or "name?" or "qth?" when he is done
sending his exchange. If he doesn't hear me calling because of
loud callers drowning me out, I just wait around for him to work
one of those loud callers and pick up his info on that exchange
(don't forget to subtract 1 from the serial number of course).

73 de Mike, W4EF.............

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 4:24 PM
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Don't we need to change the sprint protocol?

> > On 17 Sep 2004 at 8:26, Bill Coleman wrote:
> >
> > > Right as he finishes, someone else calls. I sit there sending NR? NR?
> > > NR? over and over, but they both ignore me. Soon the station is gone,
> > > and I've got a busted QSO.
> >
> > First, if you need a fill, you've got to be *quick* on the trigger
> > about asking.  Any pause is going to be interpreted as an "R" or dit
> > that wasn't heard.
> >
> > Instead of sending NR? NR? NR?, get the guy's attention by sending a
> > string of dits:   ...............NR    Shouldn't need the question
> > mark.
> >
> > But I'll bet the problem is more the pause before asking for the
> > fill...at least that's often the case with me.
> >
> >
> Okay....I give up.
> I've read a couple of responses so far and am more confused than when Bill
> first posed the question.
> It seems to me the guy Bill needs the fill from is the guy who now owns
> frequency and would be passing along his info the the guy who called over
> Bill.
> All Bill needs to do is QSX for the appropriate exchange info needed.
> Am I missing something here?
> 73,
> dale, kg5u
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