[CQ-Contest] Two Radio Sprint QSOs

Clive Whelan clive at gw3njw.org
Mon Sep 20 14:52:54 EDT 2004

N6TR wrote

<<About the only way I can think of to change back to something more close
to the "old way it was done" would be to distinguish S&P and CQ QSOs, and
require them to be in balance at the end of the contest.  Not sure we are
ready for that just yet.>>

When I first tried a sprint event, I thought perhaps that- as a small
pistol-, that I might get an edge. However, I was soon to learn that was not
the case, since there are as many smart big pistols as small ones!

I don't know how S&P and CQ Qs could ever be got into balance, but how about
letting "the market decide". i.o.w. Make S&P Qs more valuable than CQ Qs,
perhaps in a ratio of 2:1. Of course one couldn't make the ratio too large,
otherwise nobody would call CQ, and zero QSOs would result! How could the
two sorts of QSOs be distinguished?: a tricky one indeed, but I guess it
would have to determined by the software. Some software that I am familiar
with has a mode switch, but others do not, so perhaps there is an opening
for the software vendors to make a name for themselves here ;-.

Sure it would be complicated, and mebbe we just ain't ready for it yet, but
hey, if you don't push the boats out, you'll never cross the ocean.



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