[CQ-Contest] Alabama QSO Party Sat Sept 25

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Sep 23 09:49:03 EDT 2004

Hello all:

The annual Alabama QSO Party will be held this Saturday, Sept. 25, from 
1800 to 2400 UTC.  The website is 
http://web.dbtech.net/~dxcc/page0004.htm.  This webpage is correct 
except for the date, which erroneously shows the date as Sept. 26, which 
would be Sunday.  I have contacted KV4T via K4WI and confirmed that it 
is intended that the contest be SATURDAY, as it has been for quite a 
number of years.

Incorrect information abounds about the date.  WA7BNM and SM3CER contest 
pages have the correct date.   QST's Contest Corral for September and 
the latest ARRL Rate Sheet have the date as September 27, 2004, which, 
of course, is MONDAY.

So, please do not be confused.  The Alabama QSO Party is SATURDAY, Sept. 
25, 2004 and not the following Sunday or Monday.  Hope to hear many of 
you working Alabama stations as well as Texas and Arkansas stations this 


John, K4BAI.

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