[CQ-Contest] SP DX Contest 2005

SP5UAF tomek at sp5zcc.waw.pl
Fri Apr 1 06:03:38 EST 2005

*      SP DX CONTEST 2005                                                *

We   have   the   plaesure   to  invite   all  amateurs to participate the
SP DX Contest 2005. This year the  event  takes place   on   April  2 - 3.
SP DX Contest  is  a  single-country  event:   you can contact only Polish
stations but there is always a great activity from Poland so you will have
a lot of work during the contest.

Please visit http://www.contest.spdxc.org.pl/ for compete contest rules in
many  language   versions  and  for  information  about  logging software,
special, awards, previous years results etc.

In  the  same  time  we  would  like  to inform that we have some delay in
sending  of  the results and  awards for the SPDXC 2004. We are very sorry
for this situation. It happened because of job and family problems of some
members of the Contest Committee. We are working hard to overtake. We will
do our best to be better organized in the future.

SP DX Contest Committee

*      SP DX CONTEST 2005 - RULES                                        *
1. Organizers:   PZK  -  Polish  Amateur  Radio  Union   (Polski   Związek
   Krótkofalowców) and the SP DX Club.

2. Date: The first weekend of April - from 15:00 UTC Saturday to 15:00 UTC
3. Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m according to the IARU Contest Band Plan
4. Modes: PHONE and CW. Contacts on PHONE and CW with the same station  in
   the MIXED  category  are  counted   as  separate contacts.   Cross-mode
   contacts (i.e. PHONE/CW) are not allowed.
5. Calling practice in the contest: 
   * Polish stations: "CQ CONTEST" on PHONE, or "CQ TEST" on CW. 
   * Foreign stations: "CQ SP".
6. Number exchange:
   * Polish stations send a three or four character report consisting of a
     signal  report  (RS  or  RST) plus  the  letter  of   a  voivodeship.
     Voivodeship abbreviations are: B, C, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, O, P, R, S,
     U, W, Z. 
   * Foreign  stations  send  a five or six character report consisting of
     a signal report (RS or RST) plus a three digit contest contact number
     beginning with 001 (for example 59001 on phone or 599001 on CW). 

7. Points: 
   * For Polish stations:
     - A QSO with a DX station (outside Europe): 3 points
     - A QSO with a station in Europe: 1 point
     Contacts with other Polish stations do not count 
   * For foreign stations:3 points for every contact with a Polish station

8. Multiplier: 
   * For Polish stations: countries  on  the current DXCC list (except SP)
     contacted on each band, regardless of mode. 
   * For foreign stations: voivodeships in Poland contacted on each  band,
     regardless of mode, for a maximum of 96 (16 voivodeships x 6 bands).

9. Scoring: The  total  QSO  points  on  all bands multiplied by the total
   multipliers on all bands.
   I. SOAB CW HP, 
   J. SOAB CW LP, 
   K. SOSB CW, 

   Definition of categories and abbreviations used: 
   MO: Multi-operator Single Transmitter means that only one signal may be
       transmitted at any given time,   and  the number of band changes or
       mode changes is limited to 12 in one clock hour. 
   SO: Single  Operator  means  that  all   contest  activities,   station
       operating, logging and scorekeeping are performed by one person. In
       addition,  only  one  signal  may be transmitted at any given time,
       and the number of band changes or mode changes is limited to 12  in
       one clock hour. 
   SOTB (NEW): Single Operator Three Band - SO on any three chosen bands.
   HP: High Power - High Power - the  maximum output power allowed by your
      license class 
   LP: the maximum output power is 100 watts. 
   QRP: the maximum output power is 5 watts.
   AB: All Bands. 
   SB: Single Band. 
   MIXED: Mixed Mode. 
   Every  participant  must  declare their entry in one category only, any
      remaining QSO's will be used as check logs
11.Short Wave Listeners (SWL): 
   * Polish SWL's  must log the callsign,  signal report and exchange sent
     by a foreign station, as well as the callsign of the Polish station. 
   * Foreign SWL's must log the callsign and  exchange  sent by the Polish
     station, as well as the callsign of the foreign station 
   Points,multiplier and scoring is the same as for transmitting stations.
   Both Polish stations and foreign stations can  only be  logged once per
   band and mode, except if one of the stations is a new multiplier.
12.Contest results: The final results for foreign stations will  be listed
   by country for all  countries participating in the contest by category.
   In the QRP category for foreign stations, the results will be listed by
   continent. For Polish stations, the results will be listed by category.
   There will be a separate listing of top scores in all categories.  
   Awards: The top scores in each category  will be awarded  certificates,
   the number of which will be decided by the Contest Committee, depending
   on the number of participants in each category as well as the scores of
   the  leading  participants.   First-place  winners  in  each  category,
   continent   and   country  may  receive special plaques or other awards
   sponsored  by  individuals  and groups.  It is also expected that there
   will be special awards in categories designated by their sponsors.
13.Contest logs: 
   Electronic logs in the Cabrillo format should be sent to:
        <spdxc-logs at pzk.org.pl>

   The Cabrillo log should be attached as a file,  with your  callsign  in
   the "Subject:" line of the e-mail. 
   Written logs should be sent to: 
        Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow,
        SPDX Contest Committee,
        P. O. Box 320,
        00-950 WARSZAWA,

   All entries must be submitted no later than April 30 of the year of the
   contest. Electronic logs sent in formats other than Cabrillo as well as
   printouts of computer logs  may be used as check logs if they cannot be
   processed automatically.
14.Disqualification: Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country
   of  the  contestant  or  violation  of  the  rules  of  the  contest or
   unsportsmanlike   conduct,   will   be   deemed   sufficient  cause for
15.Disputes: The decisions of the Contest Committee will be final.
16.Polish prefixes are: 3Z, HF, SN, SO, SP, SQ, SR

WWW: http://www.contest.spdxc.org.pl/
Questions: contest_questions at spdxc.org.pl

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