[CQ-Contest] Contest amp for sale

Tree tree at kkn.net
Fri Apr 1 13:04:30 EST 2005

I have recently upgraded and have the following contest amplifier for sale.
I'll put it on ebay if nobody here is interested.

The amp is a Harris RF-1185a (the smaller version of the RF-1195a).  It
will cover 1.8 to 52 MHz (special modifications) and only requires 350
watts drive for half output.

Tubes are pair of Eimac tubes - 8351 types with a single 8161 driver.  I 
think I have a couple of spares out in the barn.  

This amp was used on my second radio - so mostly for S&P on Sundas during
the SS CW.  It was NOT used at W5WMU.

Serious inquiries to k7rat at n6tr.com.

73 Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

PS: This amp does require 208 VAC 3 phase at 50 or 60 Hertz.  The power
factor is 0.95 - so it shouldn't be too hard to adapt to residential 
service (1500 amp or more).  The transformmer I have is available as a 
separate item.

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