[CQ-Contest] Barking up the wrong DX maple tree

Richard DiDonna NN3W NN3W at prodigy.net
Tue Apr 5 19:56:48 EDT 2005

--- Original Message ---
From: "Rich Gelber" <k2wr at njdxa.org>
To: "Contest Reflector" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Barking up the wrong DX 
maple tree

>Here's what I don't understand (and I consider both 
K1ZM and KQ2M friends):
>VY2ZM (K1ZM) apparently won BOTH CW and SSB SOAB in 
this year's ARRL DX. 
>That's a singular accomplishment from anywhere, under 
any conditions.  Jeff 
>deserves our congratulations.
>There is no Canadian frequency-mode allocation 
advantage on CW.   So how do 
>we know that Jeff's SSB win is due to running below 
This is true, Jeff did apparently win both CW and 
SSB.  But the margin of victory in CW was about 
400,000 points - or about 9% higher than KQ2M's score.

Jeff's SSB score was 2.1 million points higher than 
K4ZW's score - about 68% higher than K4ZW's score.  
That is a significant differential.

Rich NN3W

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